Ayer leíamos que la cobertura de la participación de CFK se centraba en un cambio semántico
Y Pepe, para cuando tu mea culpa?
Por un pedido de Cristina, les cambian el nombre a los "paraísos fiscales"
Tras los encuentros, recibió a los periodistas en el living de la "casa" y habló de los logros de la Argentina en el documento final: ya no serán “paraísos fiscales” sino “guaridas fiscales”como se denominen a los países que faciliten operaciones monetarias de dudosa procedencia, además la receta de la austeridad para crecer ya no será una opción para dejar atrás la crisis, aseguró la Presidenta.
Hoy vemos que una vez más la Argentina esta fuera del mundo, aislada de los países más importantes y totalmente descolocada en los principales temas que se discuten allá en el norte.
Para demostrar este punto, les acerco esta noticia del Financial Times a la que llegué a través de un gran blog llamado Tax Justice Network
Netherlands officially admits shame in being a tax haven, pledges changes
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Frans Weekers |
We have long criticised the Netherlands for being a particularly important tax haven for multinational companies. As, increasingly, have many others in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere. We recently noted, too, how some developing countries have been kicking back at some of the abuses that have been perpetrated upon them with the help of the Netherlands and other tax havens.
We are now delighted to see a Financial Times interview Netherlands’ deputy finance minister, Frans Weekers, making an admission that his government is uncomfortable with, and perhaps even ashamed of, the Netherlands' role in this pernicious trade. The Financial Times reports:
"A proposal by the Netherlands to renegotiate its tax treaties with 23 least-developed countries marks a turning point for a country that has until now deflected accusations that it is a key player in tax avoidance by multinational corporations.
The initiative, which comes as the G20 meeting in St. Petersburg is putting tax harmonisation issues high on the agenda, is the most concrete move yet by the Netherlands to address the criticisms. Tax justice advocates say the country’s network of treaties with over 90 countries makes it a nexus for tax avoidance, allowing multinationals to reroute their profits through Dutch “letterbox companies” that do no real business in the Netherlands and exist largely for tax purposes."
Whatever the substance of the underlying proposals, this new statement is welcome. Even with the proviso that we need to wait and see how far the substance matches the details -- and preliminary indications are that there are big lacunae to be addressed here -- the headline announcement is of great political significance, and an official admission that the tax justice movement, in the Netherlands and elsewhere, has had a point all along.
Today's blogger remembers a tax justice meeting in Amsterdam a few years ago when a top Dutch tax official gave a horribly patronising presentation, seeking to pooh-pooh a seminal report by our excellent Dutch NGO colleagues at SOMO. Times, they are a-changin'.
“Over the past 10 years the trend has been for the number of letterbox companies in the Netherlands to keep growing. I want to turn that trend around,” Mr Weekers said. “I see the Netherlands being portrayed in a bad light. I don’t want to be portrayed in a bad light.
The Dutch move stems from a government-commissioned report over the summer which, for the first time, agreed with tax-justice groups that developing countries miss out on substantial tax revenues because of their treaties with the Netherlands.”
Here is a clear and public admission by the Netherlands government that this tax haven activity is causing great harm around the world. Or, to put it more succinctly, Tax Havens Cause Poverty.
Y como todo tiene que ver con todo, recordemos esta otra noticia de esta semana
Lunes 02 de septiembre de 2013 | Publicado en edición impresa
En tránsito
Uruguay ya no es la meca para el capital argentino
La presión de la AFIP frenó el ingreso de inversiones financieras e inmobiliarias; de allí van a EE.UU.
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